Hoagland Commercial Realtors
Squarespace Website, Redesign Website, Branding Refresh, Sub Logo
Brand Overview
Hoagland Commercial Realtors is located in Louisville, Kentucky. They are one of the top commercial real estate companies in Kentucky and Indiana and work with a variety of small and large businesses. We partnered up with them to improve their online marketing as well as update their business look on all marketing assets to stand out from their competitors.
So together, we worked to recreate the right message for their targeted audience, redesign their website, create an alternate modern logo they could use to place in tight digital spaces, and redesign their marketing assets such a business cards, brochures, social media covers, etc.
Hoagland Commercial Realtors now has a redesigned website with the right message to better target their audience and a consistent brand throughout all their marketing assets.

She is proficient with the entire Adobe platform, full website design, and maintenance, graphic design for digital and/or print and social media management. She thrives on industry research, target marketing, analytic review, and how to drive business through increased website traffic and engagements. I would recommend Berenice to anyone searching for a collaborator to improve their digital footprint.
- Faith Judd